Mouse and Minnow is a small celebration of animals, channeled through original art, photography, poetry, short fiction, and creative non-fiction.
It’s a don’t-you-just-love? letter, created by and for people who are captivated by all our fellow creatures.
But it’s not just about small animals
The celebration is small, as in, the newsletter is short, but the animals could be any size. They could also be any kind, so be prepared to hear as much about jellyfish and jumping spiders as jaguars and Jack Russell terriers (Check the Animal Index to see who’s already been covered).
What you get
Signing up for this free newsletter means that on Sundays* you’ll get a little reminder in your inbox that animals are awesome. Not that you actually need to be reminded of that. But the newsletter is a nice excuse to pause for a moment and really reflect on that awesomeness.
You can also use the comment section here on the website to share your own love of animals with the rest of the Mouse and Minnow community.
*Most Sundays, anyway. We may take a break from time to time.
Who’s behind it
Mouse and Minnow is brought to you by a couple of critter-loving Canadians:
Steve Alguire is an actor, writer, and artist. He creates the original drawings that accompany each issue.
Marilyn Anne Campbell is a playwright and fiction writer. She spent several years working at a doggie daycare and now works in nature communication. She writes and manages the newsletter.
Steve and Marilyn are also partners in life and shenanigans. Together they go birdwatching and crayfish spotting, and share their home with two “wobbly cats”, a pair of littermates with cerebellar hypoplasia.
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Ready? Wonderful. We’re happy to have you.